Rules for the Children

Dos & Don’ts for the Children:
1. Five times Salat is mandatory for all children. 

2. Fighting or any kind of violent activities will not be tolerated and if found guilty he/she might be sent out from the orphanage.

3. Stealing or any kind of unfair means is strictly prohibited.

4. Smoking is strictly prohibited.

5. Failing in the educational institute will make him/her in the danger zone. Failing to pass for consecutive two years will make him/her out from the institution.

6. Playing in the afternoon is mandatory.

7. Dishonoring any stuff of the orphanage is strictly prohibited.

8. A new incoming child will go for 10 days probationary period when he/she will be taught the system and manners of the institution.

9. Orphans will be taken once a year in November and December.

10. Male children can’t enter the female premises and females can’t enter the male area.

11. Children are obliged to follow the daily schedule of the institution.

12. If a child declare himself/herself as a non-Muslim then he/she will not subject to any kind of force or some other means to supplicate Islam. Rather he may be taught the moral values and beauty of Islam.