First Orphanage Plan

Our first orphanage will be the role model of all those will be established later on. The following pic will illustrate the idea and plan about our first Orphanage:


01. Here "M" stands for Male and "F" stands for Female. 

02. Hall A will be for children aged from 5-12 and Hall B will be for children aged from 13 to 18. Max 100 children can reside in one hall each.

03. The Academic Block will be used as the study center for the children.

04. Full furnished residence will be provided. Males and females will reside in different halls of residence.

05. Clothing and other needed materials will be provided.

06. Quality food will be provided to them. Where nutrition will be given more preferences than taste.

07. Regular medical checkup and free health care facilities will be provided. An appointed doctor will have a checkup of all the children at least once in a month. Also emergency and first aid medical facility will also be ensured. A psychologist will check up the mental situation of all children at least once a year.

08. Quality education will be provided to the children. The children will go for private and govt. schools whichever suits them.  According to their merit they will be sent to different schools. Transportation facility will be provided through IOT’s own vehicles. If not available then a caretaker will help the children to reach their school and take them back after school. Hall resident tutor will be there to provide with educational help and other emergency need. A religious teacher (Imam or Sheikhs will be invited) will give proper religious education every Friday to the children. 

09. Extra and co-curricular activities will be encouraged by the IOT caretakers. Children will play games and will participate in different competition.

10. After having financial stability the trust will try to have its own educational institution inshaallah, which will be also a source of income for the trust. Quality education will be ensured by these educational institutions.